Dot Net Course in Mumbai with 100% Job Guarantee

Learners 1000+
  • Learn Dot Net course in Mumbai with Guaranteed Job Placement! Get certified from the best Dot Net training institute in short duration and reasonable fees. Online classes available. more info

  • About Dot Net Job Guarantee Course -

    Dot Net is among leading application development technologies in the world from multiple decades widely used to develop web applications developed by Microsoft. Hence, there is a huge demand for full stack ,Net developers in the world meaning a person who is proficient in backend (database), web designing (frontend development) and application programming in Dot Net. This training program covers all 3 aspects of full stack developement and hence the best Dot Net course in Mumbai with 100% Job Guarantee! more info

  • Jobs Roles Targeted -

    Dot Net Developer, Full Stack Dot Net Developer, Application Developer etc.

  • Note -

    .Net Core/Angular/React addon courses available.



  • Visual Studio Installation
  • C# Basics
    • Introduction
    • Variable, Keywords & DataTypes
    • Expression & Operators
    • Methods & Parameters
  • Control Statements
    • if-else
    • while & do while
    • for loops
    • for-each etc
  • Arrays etc.
    • Structures and Enumeration
    • Array
    • Type Conversion (Casting)
    • Boxing & Unboxing
    • String & Date Functions
  • Logic Building & Programming
    • Pattern Programs
    • Prime Number
    • Fibonacci Sequence
    • Factorial
    • Recursion
  • Data Structures
    • Swap 2 Variables
    • Linear Search
    • Binary Search
    • Bubble Sort
  • OOPs
    • Class & Objects
    • Constructor and Destructor
    • Inheritance
    • (IS-A) Relationship
    • (HAS-A) Relationship
    • Polymorphism
      • Method Overloading
      • Method Overriding
    • Encapsulation
      • Access Specifiers
      • Properties - SET/GET
    • Abstraction
      • Abstract Class
      • Interface
    • Nested Classes
  • Delegates
  • Exception Handling
  • Extension Method
  • System.Collections
    • Hashtable
    • ArrayList
    • Stack
    • Queue
  • System.Collections.Generics
    • Stack
    • Queue
    • HashSet
    • SortedSet
    • List
    • SortedList
    • LinkedList
    • Dictionary
    • SortedDictionary
  • Generics
  • Multi Threading
  • File IO
  • Serialization & DeSerialization
  • Lambda Expressions
  • SQL Server
    • Installing SQL Server
    • Installing SQL Server Management Studio
    • CRUD Operations
      • Create
      • Read (Select)
      • Update
      • Delete
  • ADO.NET (Database Integration)
    • Connected & Disconnected Environment
    • Connection & Command
    • Data Providers
    • Dataset
    • Datatable
    • Datareader
    • Dataadapter
  • LINQ
  • MySQL Server Installation
  • MySQL Workbench Installation
  • MySQL Basics
    • Database models
    • ER Model Overview
    • Data types
    • Understanding Test Database
    • Basics Queries
  • DDL
    • Tables - Create, Alter, Drop
    • Constraints - Not Null, Primary Key, Unique Key, Foreign Key
    • Indexes - Types, Create, Drop
  • DML operations - Insert, Update & Delete
    • Insert, Update, Delete & Truncate
    • Common Operations
  • Writing Queries
  • Filters
    • IN
    • LIKE
    • NOT
    • NULL
    • AND, OR, NOT etc
    • Using Complex Data Filtering Techniques
    • Limit, offset
  • Sorting
    • Ascending Order
    • Descending Order
    • Complex Sorting
  • Functions
    • String Functions - lower case, uppercase, substring, instring, trim, group_concat etc.
    • Number Functions - round and trunc
    • Date Functions - datepart etc
    • Null Functions - NULLIF
    • Case
  • Groups
    • Basics
    • Grouping functions - AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, DISTINCT COUNT etc
    • Grouping Filters - HAVING
    • Rollups & Cubes
  • Analytic (Window) Functions (Bonus)
    • Over() with summary functions
    • Partition By Queries
    • ROW_NUMBER()
    • RANK()
    • DENSE_RANK()
  • Joins
    • Cartesian Product
    • Equi and Non-Equi Joins
    • Left Outer Join
    • Right Outer Join
    • Full Outer Join
    • Self Join
    • Complex Queries - Joins & Groups Integration
  • SET Operators
    • Union
    • Union All
    • Intersect
    • Minus
  • Subquery
    • Single Valued Sub Query
    • Multi Valued Sub Query
  • Views
  • Inline Views
  • TOP N Analysis
  • Bulk Operations
    • Required to create test data:
    • Creating Tables using queries
    • Bulk Data Inserts using Queries
    • Updating Data using Queries
    • Deleting Data using Queries
  • Transactions ( T SQL)
    • Commit
    • Rollback
    • Savepoint
  • Procedures and Functions basics
  • Project
  • Overview
    • About Responsive Website Designing
    • VS Code Installation
  • HTML & HTML 5
    • Table Tags
    • Types of Lists
    • Forms
    • Head tag & Meta tag
    • Layout
    • Classes and ID
    • Div Tag
    • Paragraph Tag
    • Formatting Tags
    • Anchor Tag
    • Quotations Tags
    • Marquee Tag
    • Image Tag
    • HTML 5 new element
      • Section Tag
      • Article Tag
      • Source
      • Header
      • Video
      • Audio
      • Keygen
      • Canvas
    • HTML 5 Validations
  • On-page SEO Techniques
    • Meta Tags - Title, Description, tags etc.
    • Header Tags - H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 etc.
  • CSS & CSS3
    • Basics
    • Background Image & Colors
    • Selectors
    • Declaration & Types
    • Fonts & Text Properties
    • Text Shadow, Gradients etc.
    • Overflow & Display Properties etc.
    • Effects - Border Raidus, Box Shadow etc
    • Box Model - Border, Margin etc
    • Units in css
    • Positions - Static, Absolute, Relative, Fixed, Sticky etc
    • Transforms - 2d & 3d Effects
    • Transitions - Color Effects
    • Animations
    • Menu & Navigation Bar
    • Chrome's Inspect Element for Desktop & Mobile for Runtime CSS Manipulations
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Variables
    • Nesting
    • Import
    • Mixin
    • Extends
    • Functions
  • CSS Media Query
    • Overview
    • Creating CSS Media Query Files
    • Device Width wise CSS Programming
  • JavaScript
    • Basics
    • Variables, Operators, Data Types etc
    • Programming
      • If-Else
      • Switch case
      • while
      • Do while
      • For Loops etc.
    • Logic Building Sessions
    • Creating Functions
    • Inbuilt Functions
      • Date
      • String
      • Numeric
    • Arrays
      • 1-D & 2-D Arrays
      • Methods
    • Objects
    • Event Handling
      • On Click
      • On Keyup
      • On Change
      • On Keypress
      • On Keydown, etc.
    • Regular Expressions
    • HTML DOM (Working with Frontend)
      • getElementById
      • getElementByClassName
      • document.write etc.
    • Js Form Validation
    • Alert box, Prompt, Confirm etc
  • jQuery
    • Basics
    • Effects
    • DOM Parsing
    • Form Validations
    • Events
    • Creating Functions
    • Inbuilt Functions
      • redirect
      • html
      • text
      • find
      • siblings
      • parents, etc
    • Dynamic CSS Programming
    • Hide and show element etc
  • Bootstrap
    • Basics
    • Grid system
    • Card
    • Table & Table Classes
    • Texts & Text Classes
    • Image & Image Classes
    • Button & Button Classes
    • Creating Dropdown
    • Creating Loader
    • Creating Progressbar
    • Breadcrums
    • Pagination
    • List
    • Panel
    • Media Object
    • Font Awesome & Glyphy Icons
    • Forms
    • Menu & Navigation Bar
    • Carousel
    • Tooltip
    • Pop Hover
    • Scroll Spy
    • Affix
    • Bootstrap Modals - (pop ups)
    • Creating Responsive Websites in Bootstrap
  • Project
  • Creating Dynamic Responsive Web Applications Using
  • Introduction to ASP.Net
    • ASP.NET LifeCycle
    • Controls and Properties
    • HTML & CSS
    • Creating Forms
    • WebConfig & Global.aspx File
  • Asp.Net Standard Controls
    • Label
    • Literal
    • List
    • Image
    • Panel
    • Textbox
    • RadioButton & RadioButtonList
    • CheckBox & CheckBoxList
    • Button,LinkButton & ImageButton
    • DropDownList & ListBox
    • FileUpload
  • Cascading Dropdown List
  • Data Controls
    • GridView
    • FormView
    • DetailView
    • SqlDataSource
  • Validation Controls
    • RequiredField Validator
    • RegularExpression Validator
    • Range Validator
    • Compare Validator
    • Validation Summary
  • Master Pages
  • Form Processing & Content Pages
  • Using Web Designing Components
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Javascript
    • jQuery
    • Bootstrap
  • Site Navigation
  • Page Redirects
    • Response.redirect
    • Server.Transfer
  • Session & State Management
    • ViewState
    • ControlState
    • Hidden Field & QueryString
    • Cookies
    • Session
    • Application State
  • Security Implementation
    • Form Authentication
    • Authorization
  • Lambda Expressions
  • SQL Server Integration
    • Installing SQL Server
    • Installing SQL Server Management Studio
    • CRUD Operations o Create o Read (Select) o Update o Delete
  • LINQ
  • LINQ With SQL
    • Connection & Command
    • Data Providers
    • Dataset
    • Datatable
    • Datareader
    • Dataadapter
    • Working with Stored Procedure
  • Tracing - Enabling Tracing for Server Logs
  • Deploy Process on IIS Servers
  • Understanding MVC Architecture
  • Setup
  • Building First Basic MVC Application
  • Model,View and Controller
    • Creating Models
    • Creating Controller
    • Bootstrap Overview
    • Creating Views
    • Razor view
    • ViewBag and ViewData
  • Input Validation
    • Server Side Validation
    • Client Side Validation
  • Binding Model with Views
    • Working with TempData
  • HTML helpers in MVC
  • Http Verbs - Get, POST, PUT, DELETE
  • Routing in MVC
    • Conventional Routing
    • Attribute Routing
  • Creating Partial View
  • Validations in MVC
  • UpdateModel & Tryupdatemodel
  • Layout in MVC
  • State Management
    • Hidden Field
    • Cookies
    • QueryString
    • Session
    • Application State
  • Filters in MVC
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Entity Framework
    • DBset and Dbcontext
    • Creating Persistence Layer
    • Data Annotation
    • Crud Operations
    • Types of Approaches in Entity Framework
      • DataBase First Approach
      • Code First Apprach
      • Model First Approach
    • MVC Integration with Entity Framework
    • AJAX & JSON integration with MVC
    • Web API
      • Basics
      • Creating Web API
      • Consuming Web API
    • Live Project
  • Note - For those who want to learn both .Net framework and .Net Core framework or want to upgrade from .Net framework to .Net core framework.
  • Introduction to .Net Core
  • Setup
  • Building First .Net Core Application
  • Understanding Main Method in ASP.NET Core
  • ASP.NET Core Startup Class
  • ASP.NET Core Middleware
  • ASP.NET Core Request Processing Pipeline
  • wwwroot folder in ASP.NET Core
  • Built-In Middleware in ASP.NET Cor
  • Configuring Default Page in ASP.NET Core
  • Configuring Custom Default Page in ASP.NET Core
  • Developer Exception Page Middleware in ASP.NET Core
  • Exception Handling in ASP.NET Core
  • Using Static files in ASP.NET Core
  • Using Bootstrap in ASP.NET Core
  • Model,Controller and View
    • Creating Models
    • Creating Controller
    • Creating Views
    • Razor view
    • Tag Helpers
  • Binding Model with Views
    • Working with ViewBag,ViewData and TempData
  • Input Validation
    • Server Side Validation
    • Client Side Validation
  • Built-In Tag Helpers
  • Http Verbs - Get, POST, PUT, DELETE
  • URL Routing
    • Endpoint Routing
    • Attribute Routing
  • Creating Partial View
  • Import View
  • Layout View
  • State Management
    • Hidden Field
    • Cookies
    • QueryString
    • Session
    • Temp Data
  • Basic Form Based Authentication and Authorization
  • Dependency Injection
    • UnderStanding DI
    • Implementing
  • Using ADO.Net to communicate with DataBase
  • Creating CRUD Application
  • Live Project

Tools You Will Learn

Live Online Training

✅ Online live lectures conducted on Zoom, Googlemeet etc. & not pre-recorded lectures. Live doubt solving via screen share.
✅ 100% refund if you don't understand first 2 lectures
✅ placement support until you get job for min 12 months

Limited Time Offer

0 Days
2 Hours
40 Minutes
20 Seconds

Total Discount On Full Course 5% off on Multi Course Pay
0 - 0 - 0 0
- 1250 (% off)
Final Pay 5250
Please Select at least one Course.

Please Note : If unable to find your preferred timings, then please contact us so that we can arrange a suitable batch for you. Customized training available.

Classroom Training

Please submit inquiry form or visit institute for Fees & Batches.

Inquiry Form

Recorded Course

Online live batch recording !

✅ Certificate
✅ Training material
✅ Project & Interview prep.
✅ 1 Year Access
✅ Instant Activation
✅ 100% Refund Policy
(If video goes blank means practice time is given, for best experience watch without skipping)

Duration :- + practice time

Overview :-

More Info :-
Refund Policy - 100% refund if requested anytime within first 3 days of enrollment provided you have not watched more than first 3 lectures or you have not downloaded our training material. It takes upto 5 working days for refund amount to credit back in your account. .
Instant Activation - Enroll, start learning straight away right now & get ready for the job Quickly!
Why Enroll with us? We are an ISO certified institute, trained thousands of students both in India and globally in last 10+ years, training from experts, and registered with Trade Mark Registry of Govt. of India hence you can enrol safely with us.
Who can enroll? - Beginners, want to learn courses quickly, want to learn courses in less fees, want to learn job oriented courses at own pace, revision, unable to crack interviews (if trained from somewhere else) and those interested.
Lecture Access - 1 year. You can watch every lecture 10 times, quite sufficient to understand, clear doubts and revision. You can watch 2 or more lecture on same day according to your pace to quickly complete the course and get ready for the job quickly.
Hardware requirements - minimum i3 machines/laptop with 4GB RAM.
Software Installation - Covered in recordings from time to time.
Trainer & Placement Support - not provided as not affordable to us in less fees. If you want then you need to enroll in our live training batches
Observation - Lectures are provided in the sequence as conducted in our live batches, hence if you practice along with the trainer and understand the first 2 lectures on your own then mostly you can understand the course on your own.
Still If you have doubts - Watch multiple times, rewind and forward within the video to understand the lecture. In most cases you will understand in 1st watch itself.
Interview Preparation - Part of the course hence face interview with full confidence.
Certificate - Yes, valid course completion certificate with ISO mark on it. We have trained students globally hence our certificate is well accepted across the world, online download available.
Get Ample Interview Calls - Learn courses as mentioned in the course preview and you update your CV on multiple job portals to get ample interview calls. Universal Fact - More technologies > More Interview Calls > Quick Jobs. Interview Preparation and Certificate is part of the course, hence no need to worry! Therefore, "Get Ready for the Job Quickly" in short duration.
Still have questions? Please contact institute or
Looking ahead to see you as an enrolled student of our institute QuickXpert Infotech either in recorded courses or live training batches.

Enroll > Get Trained & Certified > Get Ready for the Job in Short Duration



We are an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute. Hence All our students get a valid course completion certificate. Certificate format is same for classroom, online and recorded course students.

QuickXpert Certificate Format

Why get Trained from us ?

10 yrs in IT Training
ISO Certified Institute
1000+ Companies
Training from Experts
Trained Globally
100% Practical Training
Certification Course
Projects / Case Studies
Interview & CV Preparation
Competive Edge in Job Market
Free Demo etc.
"Lots of students placed in ongoing training or within just 30 days of completion of training"

You can be the Next Placed Student


  • More info about QuickXpert Infotech?

    ✓ Among top institutes for IT Training & Placements
    ✓ ISO certified, Since 2014
    ✓ Training modes - Live Online and Classroom(Thane)
    ✓ Training from Experts
    ✓ Trained Globally - Thousands of students trained across India and from countries like US, UK, Dubai, Australlia etc. in live online training. Hence quality training from us is assured. ✓ Training options - Job Oriented & Job Guarantee Training Programs available. check details on home page.
    ✓ Training Programs:
    >> 100% Job Guarantee Programs - placement support until you get job
    >> 100% Job Oriented Programs (min 2 months course duration) - Placement support until you get job for min 12 months
    ✓ Our live projects -,, etc.
    ✓ Corporate trainings delivered - To organizations like GeBBS Healthcare, PDG Softwares, NVest solutions etc.
    ✓ Individual doubt solving
    ✓ Interview preparation
    ✓ Resume building
    ✓ Best placement service:
    ⇒ 1000+ companies
    ⇒ Dedicated HR for placements
    ⇒ Placement support until you get job
    ⇒ For quick results, placement support starts even while training is ongoing if some criterias are fulfilled or by default on completion of training.
    ⇒ As a result, lots of students got placed in ongoing training or within just 30 Days of completion of training!! Check photos with company names on placement page.

    You can be the Next Placed Student

    Inquire Now

  • Upcoming demo?

    Every week. Classroom/Online/Weekend demos available.

    Book you free demo now,

    Book Demo

  • Upcoming batch?

    New batches at regular intervals. Limited seats per batch.

    Upcoming Batches

  • Do you provide live online trainings?

    Yes. We train students across India and globally in live online trainings.

    Inquire Now

  • How live online trainings are conducted?

    It is a virtual classroom where trainers will be live and not pre-recorded lectures so that your gets solved in real time.

  • Do you accept international admissions?

    Yes. Training language will be English. We train students globally and have trained students from countries like US, UK, Germany, Australia, Dubai etc. Training mode will be live online training.

    Inquire Now

  • Is attendance mandatory?

    Around 90% attendance will help you benefit in all of our training programs. However attendance is not a stopper from your eligibility in our placement process.

  • What if i miss a session?

    1. If unable to join in classroom then you can join online because ours is a hybrid mode of training.
    2. Either in classroom or Live Online Trainings if you miss a lecture, then, lecture recording or repeat lecture will be provided (as feasible to us) so that your training completes on time.

    Inquire Now

  • Will I get course completion certificate?

    Yes. We are an ISO certified institute so our certifiate is well accepted across the industries.

    Inquire Now

  • Group discounts?

    Yes available.

    Inquire Now

  • Do you provide computers / laptops for practice?


  • Can i bring my laptop for practice?


  • Any laptop requirement for online trainings?

    minimum i3 laptop with 4GB or 8GB ram and an internet with minimum 5G internet speed.

  • More queries?

    please visit job guarantee page and also talk to our counsellors

    Inquiry Form

Overall 1000+ Companies for Placements
(few mentioned below)

  • 1. Darwin Platform Group of Companies
  • 2. Expound Technivo Pvt Ltd
  • 3. Aniruddha Telemetry Systems
  • 4. Acura Solutions
  • 5. Yash Technologies
  • 6. AQM Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • 7. Dusane Infotech
  • 8. Freight Tiger
  • 9. Aeon IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • 10. AG Technologies Pvt.Ltd
  • 11. Binateit IT Services Pvt Ltd
  • 12. Arine Solutions Private Limited
  • 13. AscenWork Technologies Private Limited
  • 14. Prisma AI Corporation Pte. Ltd.
  • 15. Miscot Systems Pvt. Ltd.
  • 16. Appetals Solutions Private Limited
  • 17. Ardentia Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
  • 18. Atri technocrat
  • 19. G-Square Solutions Private Limited
  • 20. Nevpro Business Solutions(NBS) Pvt. Ltd.
  • 21. Beehive Software Services Pvt Ltd.
  • 22. BestoSEO Solutions
  • 23. Billtrace infotech Pvt Ltd
  • 25. Brandintelle Services
  • 26. Bristlecone
  • 27. CMOTS Internet Technologies
  • 28. Cirrius Technologies Private Limited
  • 29. Digi Midas
  • 30. Dure Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • 31. eBrandz Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • 32. Edelweiss Capital
  • 34. DigiFinTax Solutions Private Limited
  • 35. T3 Softwares
  • 36. Big Rattle Technologies
  • 37. Eviska Infotech Pvt Ltd
  • 38. Unichem Laboratories Ltd.
  • 39. Retail Whizz Solutions Private Limited
  • 40. Focus Management Consultants Pvt ltd
  • 41. Gratitude India
  • 42. Hero MotoCorp Ltd.
  • 43. HR Mantra Software Pvt Ltd
  • 44. Ideatore Interactive Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • 45. iGenesis Technologies
  • 46. Impulse Digital
  • 47. Inspeero Technologies
  • 48. Intellecta Consultants
  • 49. Job
  • 50. Brilino Pvt Ltd
  • 51. Galentic Technologies Private Limited
  • 52. Hurix Systems Private Limited
  • 54. Steadfast IT Consulting Pvt Ltd
  • 55. Kores
  • 56. Genirex Intellect Team Pvt Ltd
  • 57. V2STech Solutions
  • 58. Meru Mobility Pvt Ltd
  • 59. Propellum Infotech Pvt Ltd
  • 60. BarrierBreak Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • 61. Eziway Global Management
  • 62. Goldimine Electrosystems Pvt. Ltd.
  • 63. Marathe Infotech Pvt. Ltd
  • 64. Master Computech Pvt. Ltd.
  • 65. Svatantra Micro Housing Finance Corporation Ltd
  • 66. Mphasis
  • 67. NDS GLOBAL
  • 68. Nebula Personalization Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd
  • 69. Nestor Marketing
  • 70. Net Gains Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • 71. Nimap Infotech
  • 72. Open Radix Software Solutions
  • 73. Opportune Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • 74. Optimum Financial Solutions Pvt. Ltd
  • 75. Pinnacle People Solutions Pvt Ltd
  • 76. Qtech Software Pvt. Ltd
  • 77. SAAR IT Resources Pvt. Ltd
  • 78. Saba Technosoft
  • 79. Sahu Technologies
  • 80. Core Ocean Solutions LLP
  • 81. Seclore Technology Pvt Ltd
  • 82. Sitel
  • 84. SME MaXX
  • 85. Spider Software Pvt Ltd
  • 86. iFAST Financial India Private Limited
  • 87. Code array Technologies Pvt. Ltd
  • 88. Tata Consultancy Services
  • 89. TurtleDove Technologies
  • 90. Network Techlab (India) Pvt. Ltd
  • 91. Jyoti Plastics Works Pvt Ltd
  • 93. The Oberoi Group
  • 94. ThinkApps Solutions Private Limited
  • 95. Transovative Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • 96. TranzDigi
  • 97. Ugam Solutions
  • 98. Virtual Splat Software Pvt. Ltd.
  • 99. Techatalyst Software Pvt. Ltd.
  • ... 1000+ companies

Contact Us

Mon to Sat - 9.30am to 8pm & upto 6pm on Sun

Call us -

Email us -

101, 1st Floor, Prestige Chambers CHS Ltd., opp. platform 2 Thane w rly stn, behind Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar statue, besides Maurya Hotel.

Inquiry Form


Students Placed in

(few mentioned below)

What Our Students Say

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